Restoration Goals and Actions
Remember this dear friend, you are never too out of reach for God. You can never be too far gone. Drift is temporary when you have a God that will chase you down and love… Restoration Goals and Actions
Remember this dear friend, you are never too out of reach for God. You can never be too far gone. Drift is temporary when you have a God that will chase you down and love… Restoration Goals and Actions
The Body of Christ (the church) is special. There is not another group of people on the earth like His body. Jesus is coming back for His bride, the Body. He wants you to be… Restore Your Connection with Other Believers
The word of God is your anchor. It is what the entire universe – and all of creation – is built upon. The Word of God is the most alive book you will ever read.… Restore Your Zeal with God’s Word
Prayer is a perfect way to re-establish your relationship with God. I don’t mean the fancy long drawn-out religious prayer. No, just a simple heart prayer in talking to God. Just a conversation of the… Restore Your Life with Prayer
Guilt and shame are like handcuffs to an old life that you left behind. They are familiar friends from a past life of sin and not a part of your new life in Christ. They… Restore Your Understanding of His Love
Dive Deep into Divine Wonder: Genesis 1 Devotionals!
“Benevolent Beginnings: Embracing Divine Delight in Genesis 2” – A Joyful Journey into Daily Devotions!
Devotion: As we reflect on Genesis 19, we are invited to journey through an intense biblical narrative, revealing God’s mercy, wrath, and divine intervention. The chapter begins with two angels visiting Sot and warning him… Unveiling Divine Intervention – A Devotion on Genesis Chapter 19
Scripture: Genesis 7 Devotion: A new day is upon us, an opportunity for us to embrace God’s word and apply it to our lives. Today, we draw from Genesis Chapter 7, a powerful narration of… The Assurance in Obedience
Scripture: Genesis Chapter 6 Devotional: As we wander through the pages of Genesis chapter 6, we journey amidst a time when mankind heavily strayed from God’s desired path. It was a time marked by disobedience… Navigating Through The Flood