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Restoration Goals and Actions

Remember this dear friend, you are never too out of reach for God. You can never be too far gone. Drift is temporary when you have a God that will chase you down and love you back to His arms and protection.

Here are some things you can do, goals you can aspire to that will keep your connection with God strong and you growing in your faith.

Accountability partner.

Find a good accountability partner or someone that you can share your life struggles with. Everyone needs someone sometimes. This needs to be a person with a listening ear and heart towards you. When your old life calls, you can reach out to this person with truth and honesty and see what you can’t see.

Church attendance.

Try to get into the habit of having a regular routine on church days. Find a great prayer service that meets mid-week that you can attend. Get involved in church. Make friends and find where you fit in the Body.

Bible study.

A weekly bible study does wonders to help you grow as a believer. There may be several different types in your church. Find one that works for you and attend. Bring a paper Bible and take notes. You will learn more that way.

You might want to start one with a friend or group at work or home. In that casual setting, you may be able to share. with each other. This is often a great time to grow in your faith.

Talk with the Pastor or Other Leader.

Set up a meeting with the pastor or other spiritual leader to talk with them about your struggles. You will find that once upon a time they had struggles too. They will help you see better how to navigate those times of drift that may come again and how to overcome them.

Devotional book.

A devotional book is a great way to set a daily habit of reading the word of God with inspiring stories of hope, love and encouragement in your faith.

Quiet time.

Quiet time with God, unplugging from the world does wonders for your spirit and causing drift to leave. There is nothing better than God speaking to you in times of quiet and stillness.

Prayer walks.

Prayer walks help you reconnect with God and with nature. Take a walk and see the wonder He created. It clears your head and heart as you walk and just talk to Him.

Give up.

Give up the thing or things that caused you to drift in the first place. Make a point to just leave them at the feet of Jesus. Give up any and all sin. Let go of all distractions from people or other things.

The world.

Put things of the world in their proper place. There is a lot that can distract you so make sure you know what those things are: work, self, lust, entertainment, success, etc.


Be determined to just simply obey the word of God at all costs. No matter what you face, obey in your heart the instructions of the Lord.

Finally, with each effort on your part the drift in your soul will diminish.

God will not leave you alone. You will not be defeated. He cares for you and as you seek Him, you will be restored – and even go beyond where you were with Him.

Stop the drift. Restore your faith in God today. And you will restore the Fire in your Heart!