For Our Good
Listen to Today’s Devotion “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him.” Romans 8:28 is one of the most helpful, comforting verses of the entire Bible, announcing God’s… For Our Good
Listen to Today’s Devotion “We know that in everything God works for the good of those who love him.” Romans 8:28 is one of the most helpful, comforting verses of the entire Bible, announcing God’s… For Our Good
Listen to Today’s Devotion God uses our struggles for his glory. The last three years of my dad’s life were scarred by ALS. The disease took him from being a healthy mechanic to being a… A Season of Suffering
Listen to Today’s Devotion My college roommate, Steve, was neat. Not just neat in the sense of a lot of fun, but neat in the sense of not sloppy. I, on the other hand, tend… A Lifestyle of Repentance
Listen to Today’s Devotion Simply put, we are not good enough to go to heaven. So what can we do? We could start doing good deeds. Perhaps if we do enough good deeds, they’ll offset… Not Good Enough
Listen to Today’s Devotion Simply put, we are not good enough to go to heaven. So what can we do? We could start doing good deeds. Perhaps if we do enough good deeds, they’ll offset… Not Good Enough
Listen to Today’s Devotion Luke concluded his gospel with these words: “Jesus led his followers as far as Bethany, and he raised his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he was separated… Your Father’s Blessing
Listen to Today’s Devotion “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether… Our Reward
Listen to Today’s Devotion There is a crowning in your future. Not in Westminster Abbey, but in Paradise, and not by the Archbishop of Canterbury, but by Jesus. By this point we will have been… A Crown in Your Future
Listen to Today’s Devotion The rapture of the Christians sounds fantastical. Yet, before you write it off, remember this is how God works. Did he not flood the earth? Did he not turn the Red… Keep an Eye Toward the Sky
Listen to Today’s Devotion When will the rapture take place? Some Bible students place the rapture during the tribulation, others after the tribulation. It seems best to position it before the years of trouble. Jesus compared… Reason for Comfort