The Lord, Our Shepherd – A Daily Devotion
Scripture: Psalm 23 Reflection: In our daily lives, we often face challenges and uncertainties that can lead us to feel lost or overwhelmed. But PsalmRead More »The Lord, Our Shepherd – A Daily Devotion
Scripture: Psalm 23 Reflection: In our daily lives, we often face challenges and uncertainties that can lead us to feel lost or overwhelmed. But PsalmRead More »The Lord, Our Shepherd – A Daily Devotion
Christ, the Good Shepherd, calls us in a very personal way––calls us by name to very specific discipleship responsibilities. Scripture Text: John 10:1-10 A sermonRead More »Christ, The Good Shepherd – October 1st, 2017
Jesus, THE Good Shepherd, calls us to be good shepherds who follow his model of service and sacrifice. SCRIPTURE: John 10:11-18