Gambling On Jesus! – November 4th, 2018
Gambling On Jesus! – November 4th, 2018 Jesus calls us to rearrange the furniture of our lives so that nothing stands between us and God––and promises hundredfold rewards to those who do. Scripture Text: Mark… Gambling On Jesus! – November 4th, 2018
Sitting On The Patio With Jesus – October 14th, 2018
Sitting On The Patio With Jesus – October 14th, 2018 Jesus comes to bless us with his presence, and we must choose whether we will really see him and experience his blessing––or not. Scripture Text:… Sitting On The Patio With Jesus – October 14th, 2018
What Do I Do Now? – October 19th, 2014
We will never stop grieving, but how do we move on after the loss of a loved one? Sermon Text: Jeremiah 29:11-13
“On Not Being Offended By Jesus” – December 15th, 2013 at 2:00pm
Jesus blesses us when we remain faithful even in the face of unhappy circumstances. Sermon Text: Matthew 11:2-11