The First Children’s Sermon – September 16th, 2018
The First Children’s Sermon – September 16th, 2018 Jesus says that to be great in his eyes––in God’s eyes––we need to welcome (serve) a child (who stands for every person in need). Scripture Text: Mark… The First Children’s Sermon – September 16th, 2018
A Child’s First Classroom – February 4th, 2018
Due to 6 school shootings in 2018 already, it’s time to look at what these shooters home classroom looks like. Scripture Text: Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and Deuteronomy 5:1-21 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for… A Child’s First Classroom – February 4th, 2018
Really Good News – January 18th, 2015
Whether we are like the first son (the tax collectors and prostitutes) or the second son (the priests and elders), Jesus died so that we might be forgiven our sins. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 21:23-32
“Always Ready” – December 1st, 2013 at 2:00pm EST
Christ tells us that his coming again will be sudden and unexpected, so we need to get ready and stay ready. Sermon Text: Matthew 24:36-44
Anniversary Sunday – November 24th, 2013 at 2:00pm
Today marks our First Anniversary as a Church Online! Sermon Text: Matthew 1:1-17