Have You Heard The Rooster Crow? – Palm Sunday – March 20th, 2016
Our Palm Sunday Sermon for Athens Universal Life Church. We are taking a break from our “Believe” series for a couple of weeks for Easter.
Our Palm Sunday Sermon for Athens Universal Life Church. We are taking a break from our “Believe” series for a couple of weeks for Easter.
Even when we have been unfaithful, Jesus still calls us “My brother!”––”My sister!” SCRIPTURE: Matthew 28:1-10
We are guilty in the same way that the priests were guilty––and Jesus forgives us as he forgave them. Scripture Text: Mark 15:1-47
Jesus gives us what we need to be able to believe––and blesses us when we do believe. Sermon Text: John 20:19-31
I would like us to consider the best way to celebrate Easter, namely the way that Jesus did. Sermon Text: Matthew 28:1-10
This is our Easter Sunrise Service for 2014. This will be a special broadcast in addition to our regular Easter Service. Sermon Text: John 20:1-18
This is our Maundy Thursday Special Broadcast. We will present our service at 7:00pm EST. Sermon Text: Exodus 12:1-14
We are testing Google+ Hangouts today as a possible Live Broadcast alternative site. Click here to join the Live Broadcast! Jesus is the king who saves us! Sermon Text: Luke 23:33-43