Do You Hear God Every Time He Speaks To You? – February 11th, 2018
Scripture Text: Psalm 81:8-14 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for Athens Universal Life Church
Scripture Text: Psalm 81:8-14 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for Athens Universal Life Church
We have no need to worry about the church, because while the Gospel seed might grow slowly and beneath the surface, God insures that it grows. Scripture Text: Mark 4:26-34 A sermon by Rev. Dr.… Do Not Worry About The Church – August 6th, 2017
Christians all over the world are doing wonderful things for Jesus–some by going unto all the world, and others by their work in their local church. Christ calls us to be disciples, learners, listeners. Scripture… Called To Do Something Wonderful For Jesus – March 12th, 2017
When Jesus, whose job is saving the whole world, stops to tell you, “Go and show yourself to the priest,”––do what he tells you to do. Scripture Text: Luke 17:11-19
This is a second part of a sermon series concerning my wife’s recent cancer diagnosis. Sermon Text: Various Scriptures