Parental Lessons – December 14th, 2014
God calls us to take an active role in helping our children and grandchildren develop faith in Christ. SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:22-40
God calls us to take an active role in helping our children and grandchildren develop faith in Christ. SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:22-40
Christ calls us to love both God and neighbor by actions (obeying God and serving neighbor) that demonstrate our love. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 22:34-46
Those who live by the power of Christ are like the mustard seed or yeast, small and inconsequential in appearance, but with the potential to transform the whole world. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52
The promise of this story is that Christ and Christ’s church will prevail over the gates of Hell. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 16:13-20
Even the faithful in Christ experience stormy difficulties, but Christ comes to us in our troubles to be present with us and to save us. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 14:22-33
Christ looks upon humanity with compassion, providing physical and spiritual sustenance through the agency of his disciples. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 14:13-21
Christ has entrusted the treasure of the Gospel to an “elevenish,” imperfect church––and has empowered it to succeed in its mission. Sermon Text: Matthew 28:16-20
Christ makes himself known to us through the scriptures and the breaking of bread. Sermon Text: Luke 24:13-35