Do You Know Me? – September 14th, 2014
The promise of this story is that Christ and Christ’s church will prevail over the gates of Hell. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 16:13-20
The promise of this story is that Christ and Christ’s church will prevail over the gates of Hell. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 16:13-20
Jesus prescribes a process that strives, in the presence of conflict, to effect reconciliation. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 18:15-20
God loves us beyond reason and, when we are found, rejoices beyond bounds. SCRIPTURE: Luke 15:1-10
The story of Jesus’ encounter with the Canaanite woman encourages us to engage in persistent prayer. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 15:10-28
This is a sermon that I had preached in September 2013 after my Wife had been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer AND Lung Cancer!! My Wife is in her 11th month of diagnosis and is in… When Bad Things Happen To Good People – August 17th, 2014
Even the faithful in Christ experience stormy difficulties, but Christ comes to us in our troubles to be present with us and to save us. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 14:22-33
Christ looks upon humanity with compassion, providing physical and spiritual sustenance through the agency of his disciples. SCRIPTURE: Matthew 14:13-21
Christ calls us to see––and to help––the Lazarus at our doorstep. Sermon Text: Luke 16:19-31
In the hands of “religionists,” faith becomes a burden, but in Jesus’ hands faith relieves our burdens. Sermon Text: Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
Jesus assures us that, although some of our Gospel seeds will fall on infertile ground, the rest will bear thirty- and sixty- and a hundred-fold. Sermon Text: Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23