Laboring For The Lord – September 2nd, 2018
Laboring For The Lord – September 2nd, 2018 Our Labor Day Weekend Sermon Scripture Text: Matthew: 11:25-30 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for AULC Ministries
Laboring For The Lord – September 2nd, 2018 Our Labor Day Weekend Sermon Scripture Text: Matthew: 11:25-30 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for AULC Ministries
Ask yourself, What If Jesus Came Back Tomorrow? Would you be ready! Scripture Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for Athens ULC Ministries
Christ calls us to be patient with the foibles and failures of fellow-Christians, promising that God will send the angels to sort it out at the end of the age. Scripture Text: Matthew 13:24-30,36-43 A… Are They Angels? – August 5th, 2018
Christ calls us to life-giving rhythms of work and rest. Scripture Text: Mark 6:30-34,53-56 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for Athens ULC Ministries
The story of John’s martyrdom, set inside the story of the successful mission by the Twelve, assures us that God is at work––and is winning the victory––even in the worst of times. Scripture Text: Mark… A Good Word For Bad Times – July 22nd, 2018
Jesus can redeem even the most difficult moments in our lives. Scripture Text: Mark 5:21-43 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for Athens Universal Life Church
Our Independence Day Week Sermon Scripture Text: Galatians 5:11-25 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for Athens Universal Life Church
Christ doesn’t promise that we will not experience difficult times, but does promise that, if we walk in faith, he will redeem the difficult times. Scripture Text: Mark 4:35-41 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob… Into The Darkness – June 24th, 2018
God loves us and wants to save us regardless of whether we are aware of our need for forgiveness (as was the Prodigal Son) or are self-righteously unaware of our need for forgiveness (as was… God Loves You ANYWAY! – Father’s Day – June 17th, 2018
When Jesus forgives our sins and gives us new life, we become giddy with gratitude. Scripture Text: Luke 7:36-8:3 A sermon by Rev. Dr. Rob White for Athens Universal Life Church