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New Additions To Our Ministry

For frequent visitors to our site, you might have noticed that we have been offline off and on for the past month or so. Earlier this year, we changed hosting servers and got a “great deal” on hosting (or so we thought!). As it turned out, our “great deal” wasn’t so great after all!

I won’t go into detail here, but let’s just say that, like in every deal, you get what you pay for!

Our “great deal” cost us a lot of downtime, due to the server being unable to stay online. I guess 100% uptime (as in their advertising) meant something else instead. Anyway, we went to yet another hosting service and this one turned out to be as advertised! It required a lot of extra time to get everything moved and setup again, but in the end, it looks like it will be worth it!

We recently spent a few days rebuilding our site, since one of our tools, decided to stop working and crash our site. We have been using this site builder tool for a long time now and apparently, it isn’t wanting to play nice any longer.

So, back to square one! Not exactly, too far back as we went back to a site builder tool that we purchased several years ago and like everything else in life, the grass always appears greener on the other side of the fence. We set this one aside and went to the current “best thing” and well, you know the story.

So, we are retraining ourselves in using this site builder and, much like riding a bike, we are slowly, but surely getting there.

Another “new thing” to our ministry, is that we are now using QR Codes, you know the little square pictures with lots of random seeming blocks inside? Currently, these codes are on our title card of our videos, so that our Roku and Amazon Fire TV viewers can scan them to get to our web site easily.

We are trying these QR Codes to see how effective they will be as a form of advertising our promotions, sermons, and other happenings, since our TV viewers cannot just click and go!

Speaking of advertising, you have probably noticed that are ads appearing on our site. These ads are affiliate ads that will bring in a little commission to go towards our ministry expenses. These ads will not mean that we will no longer be taking donations, they will simply supplement the donations we take in.

Like in life, there just isn’t ever enough and we are looking for ways to try to even the odds!

Like I said earlier, we are building our site, so look for more changes in the near future!

Thank you for taking a few minutes to read my rumblings! Here is a sample QR Code for you as I leave today!

Be a Blessing and Be Blessed!
Dr. Rob White, Minister
