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If It’s Broke…

Well, 2020 has been a year for disasters and other trials and tribulations.  We try very hard to ensure that our web site is fully functioning and yet, hardly a day goes by that we find out that something is still broken or has just broke!

I noticed today that some of the Online Store items were not showing properly and it turned out that we had a plugin that had failed.  In our case here, we use WordPress for our site and it in turn uses plugins that are extensions to the program that give us certain functionality.

So, that being said, the plugin has been repaired and is once again functional.  If you happened to go to our Online Store recently, then you might have thought that our site had went haywire, but don’t fret, as it is once again running the way it should be!

We recently, within the past 3 or 4 weeks, tried a new hosting server.  You know the old adage that if it seems to good to be true, then it probably is.  This happened to be the case with this new hosting server.  We moved over to it and within a few days (less than 10) the server went down hard and left us without a web site for about 3 days.  We finally couldn’t stay down any longer and moved back to our stable server and caught up everything and we aren’t looking to do that again any time soon!

You have probably seen that we are sponsoring ads on our site now.  Yes, we are donation ran, however, it doesn’t cover our bills, so the additional possible ad revenue will help on that front.

Speaking of donations, since we have went to live streaming and aren’t able to produce live in person Worship Services, our donations have went down quite a bit.  I don’t like to ask for money, because that is not the purpose of my ministry.  I am not one of those preachers that will try to guilt you into giving, so take this the wrong way.

It takes a lot to keep this ministry online, and thanks to my being a bi-vocational minister, I am able to keep everything up and running and by the Grace of God, will continue to do so.

Just prior to the pandemic starting, I was able to replace my camera and some of my streaming equipment and software, along with upgrading my Internet connectivity.  This too has been a Godsend, as He was watching over my ministry and seen to it that I had everything I needed to continue to have a Church Online!

Well, 2020 is just about over and I hope and pray that we will survive this pandemic and get back to some form of normalcy again soon!

Stay tuned for more!

Rev. Dr. Rob White
