When will the rapture take place? Some Bible students place the rapture during the tribulation, others after the tribulation. It seems best to position it before the years of trouble. Jesus compared this moment to the rescues of Noah and Lot. Noah felt no raindrops; Lot felt no brimstone. In the same manner, I believe Jesus will emancipate his church, and we will not feel the evil of the Antichrist.
Also, Paul urged us to “encourage one another” (1 Thessalonians 4:18 NIV). How can we use the rapture message to encourage one another if we are going to face the Antichrist and the tribulation? If such were the case, Paul would have said, “Warn one another.” But he didn’t.
The rapture of the church is a reason for comfort and assurance. Yes, the tribulation is coming. But, yes, the church will be leaving. Consequently, be encouraged.
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