“When rebels have become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause outstanding devastation…” (Daniel 8:23-24 NIV).
The Antichrist. At some point after the rapture he will appear. Filled with the fullness of Satan, he will mesmerize the world with his arrogant words. He will even claim to be God. Just as Satan entered Judas on the day of betrayal, so Satan will enter this person. He will rise from obscurity as a great peacemaker. He will negotiate a seven-year treaty with the nation of Israel. Yet, midway through the treaty, he will break it—and all hell will break loose.
You do not want to be on earth when the Antichrist comes. Give your heart to Christ, and he will give his home to you.
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