On that bright and golden morning,
When the Son of Man shall come,
And the radiance of His glory we shall see,
When from every clime and nation
He shall call His people home,
What a gath’ring of the ransomed that will be!
What a gath’ring, what a gath’ring,
What a gath’ring of the ransomed
In the summer land of love!
What a gath’ring, what a gath’ring,
Of the ransomed in that happy home above!
When the blest, who sleep in Jesus,
At His bidding shall arise
From the silence of the grave and from the sea
And with bodies all celestial
They shall meet Him in the skies,
What a gathering and rejoicing there will be!
When our eyes behold the city,
With its many mansions bright,
And its river, calm and restful, flowing free,
When the friends that death hath parted
Shall in bliss again unite,
What a gathering and a greeting there will be!
O the King is surely coming,
And the time is drawing nigh
When the blessèd day of promise we shall see,
Then the changing in a moment,
In the twinkling of an eye,
And forever in His presence we shall be.
Listen to the message “Compassionate Shepherd” by Alistair Begg
The lyrics for this hymn are in the public domain and may be shared or reproduced without obtaining permission.