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Daily Devotion: The Foundation of Wisdom

Scripture: Proverbs 9:10


Proverbs 9:10 offers profound insight into the nature of true wisdom: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” This verse lays the foundational principle that fearing God—having a deep respect, reverence, and awe for Him—is the starting point for gaining true wisdom.

This type of fear isn’t about being afraid but about recognizing God’s absolute authority, power, and righteousness. It’s about acknowledging our rightful place in relation to God and living in a way that honors Him. This reverence leads us to a deeper understanding of life, ethics, and spirituality, guiding us in making decisions that reflect His character and will.

Knowledge of the Holy One goes beyond mere intellectual understanding; it involves a personal and relational knowledge that grows through prayer, scripture reading, and other spiritual disciplines. It’s this relationship that deepens our understanding and shapes our lives in meaningful ways.


Heavenly Father,

We come before You in awe of Your majesty and power. Teach us to fear You properly, not with a fear of terror, but with a reverence that acknowledges Your supreme authority over our lives. Let this reverence guide us in acquiring wisdom and understanding.

Help us to know You more deeply each day. May our lives reflect Your wisdom and understanding as we walk in obedience and faithfulness. Equip us to make decisions that honor You and further Your kingdom.

In the wisdom and understanding of Your Son, Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.

Today, consider how the fear of the Lord shapes your daily decisions and interactions. Seek to deepen your understanding of God through study and prayer, and let this knowledge transform how you live and interact with the world around you.