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Ministry Update

Hello friends! It has been a while since I have put out an update on where we are on the site.

There has been a lot going on and so, I thought I would take a few minutes to let you know how things are going for the AULC Ministries.

To begin, our Daily Devotionals have been picking up steam and are going out daily on our Facebook page as well as our web site. We have been going through the Book of Genesis and will finish it up here in a week or so. We are discussing where we will go next, probably to another Book of the Bible. We’ll see where the discussions take us!

We have been dealing with some video issues over the past couple of weeks and are starting to get them ironed out (I hope!). With today’s technology, it seems that the better it gets, the more issues you encounter!

Speaking of issues, we finally have our web site server issues fixed! Yet another server move and it seems that we are solid once again.

We have added more to our weekly sermon archives. We started a couple of months ago, adding scripture references and sermon notes to each sermon so that you can pickup more for studying or going back through the sermons again on your own. You can find all of this attached to each sermon as you view it. We will not be going back and adding to the older archives, however, going forward, we will do this every week. Along with the scripture references and sermon notes, we have added a sermon summary to each post so that you can get a synopsis of each sermon along with the sermon video and audio.

I know it’s not much, but we have redesigned our thumbnails (again!). Sometimes, it is difficult to find the exact image to use for a thumbnail, and there are so many copyrighted images out there now, that we don’t want to take a chance on getting dinged for using an image that isn’t in the public domain. For this reason, we have resorted to using AI (artificial intelligence) imaging to create our thumbnails. This gives us the exact type of image that we want, and it is copyright free, allowing us to use it without any worries.

We have setup a second Ministry site devoted to the technologies that we are using here at the AULC Ministries. You can visit our AULC Studios site to find out more about this!

That’s just a small preview and update of what’s happening here and I will try to get updates out sooner next time!

Be Blessed!

Associate AI Pastor
Spiritual Support