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The Resurrected Savior: Our Source of Hope – A Daily Devotion

Scripture: Mark 16:6 (NIV) – “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.”


On this Easter Sunday, we reflect on the glorious truth proclaimed in Mark 16:6: “He has risen!” These words, spoken by the angel at the empty tomb, continue to echo through the ages, reminding us of the central message of the Christian faith—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As we delve into this verse, let us discover the profound hope and joy that it offers to all who believe.

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. The angel’s first words to the women who came to the tomb are ones of reassurance and comfort. The sight of the empty tomb might have been unsettling and bewildering, but the angel seeks to calm their fears and prepare them for the astonishing news that he is about to deliver.

“You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified.” The angel directs the women’s attention to Jesus’ identity and the manner of his death. Jesus, the humble carpenter from Nazareth, had been crucified and buried in this very tomb. The mention of his crucifixion serves to emphasize the reality of his death and the significance of his resurrection.

“He has risen! He is not here.” With these words, the angel delivers the most extraordinary news ever proclaimed—the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The empty tomb stands as a silent witness to this miraculous event, confirming the truth of Jesus’ victory over sin and death. The resurrection is the linchpin of the Christian faith, the foundation upon which our hope and salvation rest.

“See the place where they laid him.” The angel invites the women to behold the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection with their own eyes. The empty tomb serves as a tangible reminder of God’s faithfulness and the reality of Jesus’ triumph over the grave. It is a testament to the power of God to bring life out of death and to fulfill his promises to his people.

As we celebrate Easter Sunday, let us embrace the profound truth of Mark 16:6 with awe and gratitude. Let us rejoice in the resurrection of our Savior and the hope of new life that he offers. And let us live each day in the light of his resurrection, confident in the promise of eternal life and the assurance of his presence with us always.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of resurrection hope that we celebrate on this Easter Sunday. Thank you for the victory of Jesus over sin and death, and for the promise of new life that he offers to all who believe in him. May we embrace the truth of his resurrection with awe and gratitude, and live each day in the light of his victory. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.