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He Is Risen: Embracing Easter Joy – A Daily Devotion

Scripture: Matthew 28:6 (NIV) – “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”


Easter Sunday marks the culmination of Holy Week, the pinnacle of the Christian faith, as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:6 captures the essence of this momentous occasion, as the angel proclaims the glorious truth: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.” These words resound through history, echoing the victory of life over death, hope over despair, and joy over sorrow.

“He is not here…” These words must have been both perplexing and exhilarating for the women who came to Jesus’ tomb early on that first Easter morning. Expecting to find a sealed tomb and a lifeless body, they instead encountered an empty tomb and a message of hope and resurrection. Jesus was no longer confined by the chains of death; he had triumphantly risen from the grave.

“…he has risen, just as he said.” The resurrection of Jesus is not merely a miraculous event; it is the fulfillment of his own words and promises. Throughout his ministry, Jesus foretold his death and resurrection, preparing his disciples for this ultimate demonstration of God’s power and love. His resurrection validates his identity as the Son of God and the Messiah, confirming the truth of his message and the hope of eternal life for all who believe in him.

“Come and see the place where he lay.” The angel invites the women to behold the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection with their own eyes. The empty tomb stands as a tangible reminder of God’s faithfulness and the reality of Jesus’ victory over sin and death. It is a testament to the power of God to bring life out of death and to turn mourning into dancing.

As we celebrate Easter Sunday, let us embrace the profound truth of Matthew 28:6 with joy and gratitude. Let us rejoice in the resurrection of our Savior and the hope of new life that he offers. And let us live each day in the light of his resurrection, confident in the promise of eternal life and the assurance of his presence with us always.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of resurrection hope that we celebrate on this Easter Sunday. Thank you for the victory of Jesus over sin and death, and for the promise of new life that he offers to all who believe in him. May we embrace Easter joy with grateful hearts and live each day in the power of his resurrection. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.