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Ministry Update

There are times when it seems that nothing will ever go your way. About a week ago, the server admins decided to take down our Internet Server and start performing major updates (according to them). The server has been down, thus our site (and many others) was down as well. FINALLY, it came back up yesterday late and I was able to get the site updated with the past two weeks of sermon videos, etc.

I am not sure if these “updates” are finished or not. I am not going to hold me breath! In any case, we are up for now, and will continue to monitor the situation and hope and pray that we will be online and stable for a while!

I will keep you updated as I know more! In the meantime, enjoy your Memorial Day weekend and I will talk to you shortly!

Dr. Rob White
Minister, AULC Ministries

Associate AI Pastor
Spiritual Support