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And Even This Is Not Allowed In Church!

Common sense will tell you some of the things that aren’t allowed in Church.  For example, never yell “Fire!” or never yell, “I have a gun!”.  You know, common sense stuff.  Of course, farting in Church should never be allowed, even though it happens from time to time.

Nowadays, with the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 running rampant, the Governor of Indiana, Eric Holcomb, has now issued a statement that public places, like nursing home, assisted living facilities and even churches, should close for the time being.  Several places around the county where I live, have already taken this to heart and have closed their doors…for now.

So, it now appears that the Coronavirus is not allowed most anywhere, including Church!  Don’t get me wrong, I think this is a good thing!  Many churches around my area here, are only setup as brick and mortar buildings and have little to no online presence.  Athens Universal Life Church is not in this predicament because when we planted this Church in November 2012, it was setup as a Church Online.  We already had an Online Ministry and have continued it on today.  Even though our Ministry now leans heavily towards a Nursing Home Ministry, and we even conduct Worship Services in a local Assisted Living Facility, we still have our Online Ministry.

Our Online Ministry has grown over the past few years, and now along with Facebook Live on Sunday Mornings, we are also on Roku and Amazon Fire TV with Ministry Channels.  We have an online presence on Facebook and on our web site too.  We are able to produce a sermon video, in our studios, and get it online within a few hours (taking into account the recording time and time for post processing and editing), and then get it onto Facebook Live and our various online areas.

The Coronavirus may keep us away from our local congregation, however, it can’t keep us from still spreading the Gospel Message around the World!

I just want everyone to know, that even though we aren’t in front of our local congregation, we will still be maintaining our online presence!

This is Rev. Dr. Rob White for the AULC Ministries, saying, Be a Blessing and Be Blessed!